27 September, 2022
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01 December, 2022
You have the desire and skills to become a freelancer, you have read some tips about freelancing, and now you have your home office set up and ready to work. Even though you think you are fully prepared, turns out it’s not that easy to find clients as a freelancer. Don’t worry! You aren’t the first or last to start in this field, so there are plenty of ways to make your name known and have success.
One thing you shouldn’t do is sit and wait until clients will reach out to you themselves.
Instead, here are actual working ways where to find you clients.
1. Consider people you know
There are certainly a lot of people you know that may potentially be your client. Friends, family, former colleagues, online friends, or followers. It’s hard to remember all the people you know, so make a list, and go through your contacts and socials. You’ll certainly find someone as your client. If none of those people need a freelancer at the moment, ask them to spread the word, do a post, or story, and help you with their recommendations.
2. Take the best from social media
Social medias are a very strong tool for any employee and business owner nowadays. You can easily find a professional from your field, and reach out to anyone via messaging, posts, comments, etc. Take your time to search for people who can help you in any way. Some may give you advice based on their experience, others may help you by referring to one of their clients. It’s also important to constantly let your auditorium know what you do. Make posts, and do ads e.g. on Instagram and Facebook. Do anything to attract people to your services, and don’t hesitate to reach out to people and suggest your freelancing services. Even if you get constant “No” -s or “Seen” -s at first, you’ll no matter what progress at the end. Remember, to succeed is to try.
3. Collaborate with other freelancers
This is a good tip no matter if you are a beginner or a professional. Working alongside other freelancers will help you improve your skills and learn new techniques. You will broaden your network, discuss some industry tips, and have an opportunity to be referred to a client. Even if you don’t get new clients, you still gain new experience. Collaboration is also a good chance to take on large projects and have them done in a shorter time period. Finishing a project earlier is always a plus for a client. The client will definitely consider you for their next project. Keep that in mind.
4. Have a portfolio ready to go
As a freelancer, your portfolio should always be up-to-date. Having a blog or personal website is very good, but note that not everyone will click to check it. One way to make your portfolio more noticeable, utilize searchable portfolio sites like:
Don’t forget to constantly promote your portfolio.
5. Pay attention to email marketing
Email marketing is used by most businesses. It helps to keep in touch with the clients and keep them updated about your work. There are many free guides like those at HubSpot that will help you start successful email marketing.
6. Network
Networking should definitely be a big part of your career if you want to let people know about your business and services. Besides online communication, try to learn about the ongoing conferences, meet-ups, forums, and be as active as possible.
7. Ask Clients to give reviews
Reputation is a vital fundament for a prosperous project, especially for a freelancer. Ask your clients to leave a review, not only on the freelancing platforms where you work but also on sites like LinkedIn.
8. Execute daily outreach
It’s a myth that clients will come to you if you are a good freelancer. You should devotedly take your time and outreach new people to remind them about yourself. Integrate it into your daily routine.
9. Target the right content and people
Carrying out successful outreach also infers to identify and target the right people, and the right content, which will lead you to the right clients. Having a crystal clear image of your ideal projects will pave the way to find them.
10. Use your knowledge and set yourself as an expert
This one may seem extreme for introverts or people who don’t normally give speeches and perform. However, the more actively you represent yourself and your skills, the more acquaintances you will get. Use your background and knowledge to create your own new projects like:
Surely there are more options, depending on your work. So, don’t limit yourself and use your knowledge to invest in your career.