Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Author: Helen Rebane

09 September, 2022

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If you are a freelancer focused on OOP, there are certain concepts of OOP you need to know well. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you decide to work as a freelancer, Object-Oriented Programming developer, or will simply use OOP for one of your projects. These concepts are useful for everyone!


15 Freelancer Object-Oriented Programming: Concepts to Know

1. Objects and Classes

In object-oriented programming, an "object" is a self-contained unit of code and data. A class is a template for creating objects. In other words, a class defines the properties and behavior that all objects of that type will have.


2. Encapsulation

Encapsulation is the process of hiding the details of an implementation from the outside world. In OOP, this is typically done by declaring variables and methods as "private," meaning they can only be accessed from within the object.


3. Inheritance

Inheritance is a mechanism for sharing code and data between related objects. In OOP, one class can "inherit" the properties and methods of another class. This allows developers to create new classes that are built upon existing ones, without having to start from scratch.


4. Polymorphism

Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on different forms. In OOP, this means that a single object can be used in place of another, as long as both objects share the same interface.


5. Abstraction

Abstraction is the process of hiding the details of an implementation from the outside world. In OOP, this is usually done by declaring variables and methods as "abstract," meaning they can only be accessed from within the object.


6. Interfaces

An interface is a set of rules that define how two objects can interact with each other. In OOP, an interface is a contract that an object must adhere to. If an object does not adhere to the rules defined in the interface, it cannot be used in place of the other object.


7. Messages

A  message is a request for an object to perform an action. A message is sent to an object, and the object decides how to respond to the message. This allows objects to interact with each other without knowing the details of each other's implementation.


8. Methods

A method is a function that is associated with an object. In OOP, a method is a way for an object to perform an action or compute a value. Methods are defined in the class definition, and they are invoked by sending a message to the object.


9. Properties
A property is a value that is associated with an object. In OOP, a property is a piece of data that is stored in the object. Properties are defined in the class definition, and they are accessed by sending a message to the object.


10. Events

In OOP, an event is a signal that something has happened. Events are usually generated by the user, such as clicking a button or moving the mouse. Events can also be generated by the system, such as a timer going off or a network connection being made.


11. Delegates

A delegate is a type of object that can be used to send messages to other objects. It is an intermediary between an object that wants to send a message and the object that should receive the message. In OOP, delegates are used to implement the Observer pattern.


12. Generics

Generics are a way of creating classes and methods that can work with any type of data. In OOP, generics are used to create reusable code that can be used with any type of object.


13. Nullable Types

A nullable type is a type of data that can hold the value "null." In OOP, nullable types are used to create variables that can hold values that are unknown or undefined.


14. Exceptions

An exception is an error that occurs during the execution of a program. In OOP, exceptions are used to handle errors that occur when an object is trying to perform an action.


15. Threads
A thread is a unit of execution that can run independently from other threads. In OOP, threads are used to make programs more efficient by allowing multiple actions to be performed at the same time.


16. Asynchronous Programming

Asynchronous programming is a way of writing code that can run independently from the rest of the program. In OOP, asynchronous programming is used to make programs more responsive by allowing tasks to be performed in the background.


17. Parallel Programming

Parallel programming is a way of writing code that can be executed on multiple processors at the same time. It is used to make programs more efficient by making full use of the available processing power.


18. Memory Management

Memory management is the process of allocating and deallocating memory in a program. In OOP, memory management is handled automatically by the system. However, it is important to understand how memory management works in order to avoid errors.

Freelancer OOP: Skills to Have


Here are the skills a Freelancer OOP developer should have:


  • Strong understanding of object-oriented programming concepts
  • Knowledge of various design patterns
  • Experience with multiple programming languages, such as C#, Java, Python, etc.
  • Understanding of basic computer science concepts
  • Familiarity with common data structures and algorithms
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