29 December, 2022
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12 December, 2022
Are you confused, not knowing how to choose a domain name for your business, blog, or website? Fret not; in this article, you will learn how to choose domain name for blog. Choosing a domain name is similar to choosing a company name in that it involves much thinking and consideration.
Your domain name, often known as your website name, is your online identity. You should select a domain that matches your business and is easy to identify and advertise. However, determining what constitutes a good domain name may be difficult. Continue reading to find out how to choose a domain name for a website.
1. Use Targeted Keywords
Keywords are not only used for content creation. Google and other search engines utilize your domain name to determine search rankings and to know what your site is about. Therefore, it is critical to incorporate keywords whenever feasible. Your domain name should include keywords relevant to your website and suited for your target audience.
If you are having problems coming up with ideas, you can choose a domain name tool like Google Keyword Planner. This free tool allows you to search for keywords within your industry based on search traffic and other characteristics to uncover terms that people really use in searches.
2. Make Use of a Domain Name Generator
Chances are that you may experience difficulties coming up with the perfect domain name for your company, blog, or website. There is no need to panic; it is not unusual. In times like that, you can choose a domain name tool generator like Domain Wheel. Domain Wheel allows you to enter a few keywords before providing you with a long list of potential domains you could choose from. Therefore, if you are confused, not knowing what domain name to choose for your business, we highly recommend that you choose a domain name tool when researching possible choices.
3. Avoid The Use of Hyphens and Double Letters
Using hyphens may appear to be a creative technique to secure a unique domain name for your business, and it is still used in several European nations (www.deutsche-bank.com). Unfortunately, they are difficult to articulate verbally (imagine saying "dash" or "hyphen" aloud). They also make typing the domain more challenging. This can lead to a bad User Experience (UX) from the outset, leaving the user unsatisfied.
While there are exceptions, it's better to avoid anything that is not a letter when contemplating domain name ideas. This includes swapping letters with digits. The same is true for duplicated letters: double letters are difficult to read and even more difficult to type accurately. Therefore, as much as possible, you must avoid using hyphens and double letters in our domain names.
4. Choose Your Top-Level Domain Extension With Caution
A Top-Level Domain (TLD) extension is the final portion of your URL that follows the name of your website. TLDs such as .com, .org, and .net are among the most popular. However, among all TLDs, .com is the most popular and widely used. If .com is already taken, it is not the end of the world for you. Other popular top-level domains (TLDs) include .xyz, .shop, .club, .online, .art, .inc, and even .party.
TLDs such as .marketing and .technology allow you to choose a domain name that is more appropriate to your sector. The use of ccTLDs (Country Codes) is another common approach. In recent years, more technology firms have used domain extensions such as .io (Indian Ocean), .ai (Anguilla Island), and .co (Colombia).
Finally, select a domain name extension that is consistent with your industry, and business name and messaging, and portrays credibility.
5. Try Obtaining a Branded Domain Name
Since it is sometimes difficult to obtain a suitable domain name that contains a keyword and geographical region, you might consider using a branded domain name instead. Most of the largest online firms use this strategy (think Amazon.com). Don't get too caught up thinking about whether your branded domain name sounds perfect or not. After all, how many people thought Amazon.com was a viable domain name for a company website before it went public?
If you want to use a branded domain name, you must still adhere to the other pro tips outlined in this article.
6. Select a Memorable Domain Name
Since millions of registered domain names exist, having a catchy and memorable domain name is critical. Once you have chosen a name, share it with a few close friends to ensure it sounds attractive and makes sense to others. If they, or even you, have difficulty recalling the domain name you are considering, others may too.
7. Think Long-term
If you plan future development, you should prepare properly from the outset. Purchase a few domain name variations to safeguard them from competition and ensure they remain in your possession. These variants might refer to distinct domain extensions (for example, ".com" and ".net") or comparable choices of the same name that can be confusing for consumers (for example, with or without "the" at the beginning). This is especially beneficial since numerous domains may be linked to the same website.
Additionally, ensure the domain name you select will not prevent your company from developing in the future. For example, if your beauty salon presently offers nail services but you hope to expand into hairdressing and spa treatments in the future, make sure your domain name is broad enough to include your future ventures as well.
8. Register The Domain Name
Once you have settled for a particular domain name, you should register it as quickly as possible to guarantee that no one else picks it. Find an approved domain registrar who will negotiate with ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) on your behalf. They will safeguard your domain name and ensure it remains yours and yours alone for the term of your purchase.
If you are wondering how much a domain name costs, keep in mind that fees vary depending on factors such as the domain extension and the terms you choose (such as securing a domain for a longer period of time). However, many websites hosting companies provide free domain registration for the first year.
9. Conduct Your Research
Check that you are not infringing on the competition's domain name before acquiring it. Investigate trademark and copyright databases, as well as rival brands. Choosing a domain name that has been adopted by other brands, even if only indirectly (in uses other than a domain name), may cause customer confusion and legal difficulties. Thus, it is worthwhile to make an educated and well-researched conclusion.
10. Examine The Domain History
You could be looking for a whole new domain name. However, there is a chance that the domain you want to buy has a prior owner.
It is advisable to look into the domain's history because it might impact your site's search engine results. You can check domain history using resources such as the Wayback Machine and Whoxy. This is important knowledge to have. For example, you wouldn't want to purchase a domain name from someone who was previously running an illegal business since it may harm your reputation.
Choosing a perfect domain name might seem daunting if you have never done it before. However, if you follow this guide on how to choose a domain name for blog, you will have a headway. If you need a professional freelance web developer for your business, you can head straight to our website to hire the best.