Top 10 Best Cross Platform App Development Frameworks

06 September, 2022

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Cross-platform application development allows engineers to develop apps in a short period and even with a tight budget for multi-platforms. The flow of users will be limited if developing apps only for a unique platform, as the number of users on different platforms hits billions. 

Cross-platform has become popular across the digital business world, which allows many companies to reach a wider audience effortlessly without spending extra money.


Best Cross-Platform Development Frameworks

Cross-Platform development frameworks create various applications for multi-platforms, such as iOS, Windows, Android, and the Web. Frameworks, here, work as a toolkit that allows developers to write one unique codebase which deploys to several platforms.

So, what cross-platform development frameworks are the best and must-have for developers? Here you can find the best ones:

Ionic is best for having various ready-to-use features, including the opportunity of running more than dozens of APIs, adapting codebase for various platforms, and using different plugins for native functions.


Flutter, established by Google, has an inbuilt customs engine: avoiding the need to update components of the user interface manually.


  • Xamarin

Xamarin connects native libs and platform APIs. Xamarin removes hardware obstacles and promotes the usage of common libs, hence opening paths for customized and home-grown features.


Designed by Facebook, React Native is built to merge React.JS and JS, enabling developers to write modules in Swift, Java, or Objective-C. Although here most of the codes are general and can be reused, the app allows developers also use unique code to better match a specific platform.


Node.js delivers a large library of JS modules simplifying the process of developing web applications. These libs are very fast at code running and all the APIs are non-blocking.


  • Apache Cordova

Apache Cordova, also famous as Phonegap, supports building hybrid apps operating on frequently used mobile platforms and using different libs due to its flexibility.


  • NativeScript

Native Script shortens the code and time for loading the applications on the system. 
This framework is widely used for building native apps with JS or with other languages interpreting JS.


  • Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch, designed to develop UI mobile apps, is built on the MVC architecture. This framework can exactly duplicate nearly all native functionalities. Here developers create strongly proven and reliably linked user interface components and libs.


  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

The PWAs launch inside the browser, thus, this cross-platform framework is inherently adapted to be opened nearly on any device. Here are delivered customization and caching options that provide short-time loading and reduced data usage.


  • Appcelerator Titanium

Appcelerator Titanium helps to build cross-platform native apps via key features: the flexibility of the MVC framework, ready-made connectors, API to access native UI, multiple device features, etc.


Cross-Platform Development Tools & Languages


The cross-platform role is to make the app development process more cost-effective and time-saving, allowing access to a broader spectrum of software and hardware. 

Each cross-platform development tool originates from one or even more programming languages. While building an app, developers know ahead which development languages better correspond to exact cross-platform, making the process cycle much easier, user-friendly, and also cutting costs.


Here is the tablet of top programming languages with corresponding frameworks/tools:


Programming Languages Tools/Frameworks
JavaScript, CSS and HTML Ionic
Dart Flutter
C# and native libs Xamarin
JavaScript React Native
JavaScript Node.js
JavaScript Apache Cordova
Java and JavaScript Sencha Touch
CSS, HTML, and JavaScript Progressive Web Apps
JavaScript Native Script
JavaScript Appcelerator Titanium

Updated: 03 March, 2023

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