26 September, 2022
Freewriting: How 10 Minutes of Free Writing a Day Helps With Texts for SMM
02 December, 2022
Storytelling is a creative and very important way of art that involves telling stories in an engaging manner. Digital storytelling is a mix of both modern and old - digitized video, photography, etc, and storytelling, as you have already guessed.
To succeed in digital storytelling and reach out to your audience with your writing, here are some rules to consider.
1. Select appealing content
The first and the main step is to have an interesting content for the reader to enjoy. The reader should gain something from your storytelling. Think about the subject of your storyline, then create the storyline itself, and the headings. You can emphasize your content with expert point of views, or arguments to make it more interesting to read, and even re-check several times.
2. Take time for the research
The research is the base of your writing process, as it will provide you with the main information. You create a certain image of the selected content and start your writing around it. Research also helps to organize your thoughts and put them in a more organic way.
3. Avoid Monotony
Monotony is the enemy of any storytelling. No matter the subject of your content, you can make it sound absorbing, easy-to-read. Don’t add information just to fill up the space. The sentences should make you continue the reading, not fall asleep. Read different types of content, to see how people go around the same subject in numerous ways and what makes you to stay on the page.
A good example is Apple, they find 100 and 1 ways to describe the same product.
4. Find your style
To help you with the point above, is to search and outline your own style. The mood you give to the story should be natural to you. That will simplify your work, make the process enjoyable to you, and thus more progressive.
5. Tell a story with a purpose
Any work you start should have a purpose. It helps you create a clear portrait of the final look. The purpose can be anything - to be a guide to the reader, to make them laugh, enjoy, get inspired, etc.
6. Concentrate on the layers
There are normally two types of reading - linear and skimming. First, is when you observ the article and then read it in order. The second - when you read the headings, insets, etc. The text isn’t given much attention. Now, we want to avoid the second option. Make sure the article is readable, and not “avoidable” to the reader.
7. Include good quality images
Any storytelling whether it is digital or not is more enjoyable to scroll through when there are aesthetic images included. It’s like a movie that you scroll. Any article with good visual representation gives it a unique mood and style. Find images that are suitable for your article.
8. Identify your audience
This is part of setting the purpose of your content. When you target your audience, you play like you are telling your story to a certain person. This is how you make your writing more personal to a reader.
9. Don’t hesitate to juggle the words
One of the fun parts of writing, is that you can play with words, give them new tone and color depending on the content. It’s always a plus to learn new ways of using your vocabulary. Read and watch diverse content and see how our daily used words can be written differently.
10. Use simple language
Our ears enjoy straight and informal language. The easier it goes, the more fun we get from reading. It also helps to absorb the information easier. Don’t make the audience to spend their energy on reading out a sentence. Tell the story in your words, and simply imagine as if you are telling a story to your friend.
At the end, of course, don’t forget to share your story and give the attention it deserves. Your story is important, and the effort you put in it should be appreciated. Share it on socials, send it to people it may interest.