31 October, 2022
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If you are eager to get into the field of IT and pursue a career without a higher educational or academic background in computer engineering, just keep reading and you’ll be introduced to the top online coding resources.
This article will guide you through the best online resources to learn coding and give you the best websites to learn coding and to gain and develop new skills.
Learning coding does not have any kind of age limitations, here you will find free online coding resources for kids as well.
Codecademy is one of the most popular online learning platforms on the market. Codecademy offers instruction in seven different coding languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, and PHP. And once you've mastered the languages, you can challenge yourself with much more advanced tasks.
Khan Academy offers world-class free education to everyone and everywhere incorporating a little gamification into the learning process. At the Khan Academy you can not only take coding language courses such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, but also other courses about various subjects ranging from maths to arts.
If you are looking for university courses but not intending to apply to a university, then Coursera courses are the best coding resources for you and other kids. Here you will find high-level free online courses from top universities and you can also optionally purchase a certificate.
EdX is another serious learning platform by Harvard and MIT in 2012 that goes hand in hand with Coursera. If you know what you want to learn, have the time and can put effort into your studies, then course materials are designed for you, free of charge.
At Udacity you can gain little degrees for different learning programs called Nanodegree with certificates. This platform offers 200+ courses by industry leaders such as AWS, Google, IBM, and Facebook that consist of video lectures, exercises, assignments and final projects.
Code Avengers is specialised in offering courses on how to build a website in HTML/CSS or games and apps in JavaScript. The basic courses last 1-3 months and are usually continued by 6 month of specialised courses.
If you want to dive deeper into the world of coding languages, then Code School is the right platform to choose. Code School is more of a professional bent compared to the other learning resources mentioned in this article.
Team TreeHouse is an e-learning platform for programming and software development that includes Web development, iOS development, WordPress (websites), and Data Science.
SQLZoo is an online resource, where you can learn everything about SQL from various interactive tutorials by testing your new skills with assessments.
Are you new to the coding world and need to learn programming from scratch? If yes, then the Odin Project is the best option for you. You will build your career along with building useful web projects.
Codewars is beginner-friendly; rather, it is intended for programmers with some knowledge and expertise in the field. Codewars courses teach programming in a gamified way to make it fun and interactive.
Envato Tuts+ is the platform, where you can find any kind of courses starting from beginner level up to the advanced levels.
This eLearning platform Sitepoint is specialised in web development including not only the basic programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP but also much more advanced ones.
Sololearn is more than simply an online learning platform; it is a community formed around the most in-demand software development skills.
Medium, the most popular blogging platform, offers a wide range of programming and web development-related content. You can find thousands of well-thought-out articles and tips from industry leaders.
Learning to code is like learning how to speak a language and that is how programming is taught on Upskill; here you will learn the nuances of writing code before learning the language.
BitDegree offers students 2 types of courses: Interactive BitDegree courses and video lessons that include not only the basic programming languages but also the most trendy and high-demanding languages and skills in data-science.
Codeasy is focused on teaching C#, its fundamentals and it can lead your way to mastering C# programming language as a whole.
Codementor is the link between mentors and students, offering the experience of having 1-1 mentor guidance to help you out with real time issues.
Learn by Google Developers is designed for intermediate/advanced level programmers that want to integrate Google’s tech & services into their projects.