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12 January, 2023
Have you ever wondered why Google predicts your search terms when you start typing them in? There are instances when you don't even know what to type, but you only have a concept and a keyword. You then discover that Google gives results that answer the questions you are thinking about. Google’s search suggestions and autocomplete tools made this possible. Occasionally, these suggestions might be inaccurate or even amusing. This is because Google sometimes is unable to infer what you are thinking. But to a greater extent, the autocomplete and search suggestions work well.
As a blog owner who publishes content on several topics or an e-commerce website owner who advertises several products, it is possible to have an integrated search tool on your website because this will boost the visibility of the content or products on your website.
However, the majority of website owners are not familiar with how this feature should work. This takes us to the main purpose of this article, which is to provide you with the ultimate guide to search suggestions and autocomplete.
Search suggestions are predictions that are displayed in dropdown format when users begin to type in a search box. This enables the users to save time, especially when the predictions are the queries on the mind of the user. Suggestions are provided in the search index as users begin to type, and as users keep typing letters, the previous prediction adjusts to fit the letters they are typing at that moment.
Autocomplete, on the other hand, is a tool that attempts to finish the user's sentences by predicting the words or phrases they are entering rather than giving different suggestions in dropdown format.
Search suggestions and autocomplete are often used interchangeably, but they are different. The main distinction between search suggestions and autocomplete is that while search suggestions provide suggestions based on the user’s previous searches and sometimes what is trending, autocomplete simply completes your entry using its internal database algorithms.
Here are reasons why search suggestion and autocomplete are excellent for everyone using the internet:
It Saves Time
Search suggestions and autocomplete work together to save the time of the searcher. According to Google, autocomplete saves 200 years of typing every day and decreases typing by around 25%. Instead of typing out every word, phrase, or sentence, you can simply click on a suitable suggestion and it will bring out the desired result quickly.
It Helps To Correct Typographical Errors
Typographical errors are also fixed via search suggestions and autocomplete. A misspelling is detected and corrected, and the updated result is displayed by the built-in algorithms.
It Helps Content Owners To Know What Keywords To Input In Their Articles
Website owners can learn the best keywords to utilize and the topics that people are searching about with the aid of search suggestions and autocomplete. According to Neil Patel, Google Autocomplete and Search Suggestions features are great Keywords research tools for content publishers.
They Help To Guide Customers
Customers can be directed to the products they wish to find on a website using search suggestions and the autocomplete tool. Instead of having to go through all the sections to locate what they are looking for, as they start typing, suggestions are shown up in dropdown format. They click on it and see what they are looking for right away.
It Increases The Knowledge of The User About A Site
Although users might not be aware of all that is contained in a website, when these tools are part of the features of the website, users can use them to discover more content or products that they didn’t even know the website has visible to them and they often click on it. Such websites will retain users as these features help them spend more time on the website, thereby enhancing SEO and increasing conversion rates.
It Helps To Lower the Bounce Rate
People are less likely to leave a website when the autocomplete and search suggestion tools are properly integrated. They won't become bored because they can easily see what they are looking for, and even explore related topics.
It Helps To Enhance The User’s Experience
The user experience will generally be improved when information is made readily available. When the user is able to get additional information through the related words, phrases, sentences, and topics suggested by the search suggestion and autocomplete features on a website, there is more accuracy.
For example, search suggestions and autocomplete features are commonly found on e-commerce websites because e-commerce involves the purchase and sale of goods and services. Thus, these features aid users in navigating such websites.
These tools are also useful on other types of websites. Content creators who write on a variety of subjects and have a large amount of content on their website can incorporate these features into their websites to enhance user experience. As a website owner or developer who wishes to incorporate search suggestions and autocomplete on their website, you need to consider some factors that will guide you in giving users the best experience. Below is a detailed guideline that will help you:
As a website owner, implementing these autocomplete and search suggestions guidelines in your site will make users stay glued to your site without getting bored. As a web developer, the guidelines below will let you understand what your clients need in their autocomplete and search suggestions tools:
Implement Customization
Customization is the capacity to modify a certain individual or activity. People differ from one another, thus the suggestions you make can be modified to meet the preferences of an individual. This can be accomplished by paying attention to their history, geography, and language. Give customers the chance to select their chosen language if your website supports many languages so they can have positive user experiences.
After you have taken note of a user’s history, geography, and language, it is important to know how to rank your suggestions. You either suggest based on the user’s history, what is trending, or active sales and limited-time deals. Monitor user activity and adjust the suggestions.
Ensure Search Suggestions Are Limited
When search suggestions are clustered together and are too much, users become overloaded with suggestions, making it difficult to make a choice; this is known as choice paralysis. Just ensure your suggestions are relevant and timely. It is also important that your search suggestions are limited so that they can be compatible with mobile devices.
The Dropdown Box Must Be Visible
when developing the UI, ensure the search box is more visible when users begin typing in it. This can be done by darkening the background, which excludes images and other items that can compete for attention with the dropdown suggestions.
Speed Is A Necessity
The main purpose of the search suggestion and autocomplete is to save the time of the user and improve the user experience. When the search suggestion is too slow and takes time to load, it may be frustrating for the user.
Highlight Differences
When you highlight differences, users will be able to make distinctions between items and find it easy to tell them apart.
Meta-information such as amount, quantity, and type of product must be included. This will give the user the knowledge required about their query.
Google search autocomplete and search suggestions features are brilliant tools that continue to help online searchers get the information they seek. As a website owner, you may consider adding similar features to your website. Therefore, you need to know how these tools work and why they are a great help for you and your users or readers. As a web developer, you also need to know how autocomplete and search suggestions work so that you will know the best way to incorporate them into your client’s project.
Whether you are a Google searcher, website owner, or a web developer, we believe this article will be of great help to you. If you need a software developer who can implement advanced features like autocomplete and search suggestions in your next software development project, visit our website to interview and select some of the best freelance web developers in the industry.