23 January, 2023
The Best 404 Pages For Inspiration
06 July, 2021
It's almost impossible not to have at least one programmer friend in 2021. If you are not a programmer, then you have at least stared at a seemingly incomprehensible screen of your programmer acquaintance and marveled how he deciphers all that mess!
Guess what: it might not be that difficult. The truth is, it does not take too much time to learn to program, and in fact, you can become one of those rich geeks too.
So we are not going to take too much of your time and will jump straight to the main question:
If you Google "How long does it take to learn coding ?" the first answer you'll get is from 3 to 6 months. It is because learning coding is a pretty broad term.
There are programming languages that might take you years to figure out fully and become an expert. At the same time, some of them, like HTML, for instance, require only one to two weeks to learn.
But in general, yes, you can learn programming in 6 months (or even less) and even find a job! If you're one of those who don't believe in such bold statements until they get an example, we got you!
Clément Mihailescu learned coding only in 6 months and got hired at Google as a software engineer right after that! The best part is that he had zero knowledge or experience in coding before. You can check out his inspiring story here.
So yes, in half a year you can learn coding and also find a job. But where should you start?
There are different ways you can start your programming journey, but we have singled out the three most popular ones:
If you do not love to be taught by others and learn to program at your own speed, self-learning might be the best solution.
Self-learning is when you identify your needs, goals and design the study process yourself. This way, you have a lot of freedom and control over your programming studies.
Of course, it requires a lot of self-discipline, but if you are one of those people who know how to self-motivate themselves, then it will work! There are many coding courses and resources out on the Internet, so it will be easy for you to start.
Coding Bootcamps are fast yet intensive coding courses that prepare teach you how to code. It is how Clément Mihailescu learned to code as a professional in only six months.
Coding Bootcamps are a good idea if you don't want to get a full degree but still want to go through a more or less traditional teaching system.
Here you'll have expert teachers that will guide you and help you out and a straightforward studying program that will be already designed for you. The main drawback of these BootCamps is that they are a little expensive. On average, you might expect to pay $13.500 for the program.
Finally, the most popular way to learn to code is to get a computer science degree. Here you will learn the technical aspects of coding and have a more extensive understanding of the industry in general.
So if you want to immerse yourself in the programming world fully, you might consider getting a degree. But again, there are some drawbacks to this method too: it takes too much time. If you want a full bachelor's degree, you need to spend four years to get it. Master's might take a little less, but it is harder to get accepted there.
So if you have some 3-4 years to spare, then getting a computer science degree can work. If not, you should choose either of the first two options.
Here are some tips to help you out to learn to code faster!
The best way to waste your time is to learn random programming languages very superficially. Yes, we understand it, you are new to programming, and you don't know yet which of the programming languages will suit you the most.
However, you cannot go on trying all of them one by one.
Instead, try to figure out what is more interesting for you. For instance, if you want to deal with the aspects of the website or application visible to the user, you should start with front-end languages.
On the other hand, if you love the technical aspects more, then back-end languages might be the best for you.
Again, don't do everything and nothing at the same time. You need to measure your success somehow.
For that, set some achievable milestones and goals that you need to reach, and also set deadlines! It will improve your productivity at once and will help you to have some analyzable metrics too.
Were you able to create a beginner project after the two weeks of your studies? Could you solve a more complex problem in the three months of your studies?
Create similar questions for you and answer them from time to time to understand your learning stage.
Practice, practice, and practice! If you want to learn to code fast, then coding should be your number one priority. Keep practicing it as much as you can, and you will immediately notice the results!
In the age of technology, it is effortless to learn to code fast and find an excellent job with your knowledge. You might prefer to learn it on your own, attend a Coding Bootcamp or even get a computer science degree. Whatever it is, we assure you that you can learn coding in just a few months if you have your mind to it!