24 November, 2022
What Is Design Thinking?
03 June, 2021
Which one would win if they were put in a fighting ring - Java or Javascript? Well, sad to disappoint you but these two programming languages would most probably never make it to the ring as they have originally been designed to serve individual purposes. However, we still can find some similarities between Java and Javascript aside from their names. Let’s dig down!
OOP is a programming paradigm used to construct a software program into classes.
Object-oriented programming is beneficial since it turns complex models into reproducible structures. It also lets you reuse the objects on other platforms. The object-oriented programming languages include Javascript, C++, Java, and Python.
Front-end development traditionally uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript to transform data to a graphical interface, therefore we may claim that Javascript plays an indivisible role for front-end development. Java, on the other hand, was used for front-end web development years ago using Applet technology. However, the technology is no longer secure and hence has been substituted by modern solutions.
Back-end development is the practice of connecting the database information to the browser. Java is one of the most widely used back end languages due to the Virtual Machine making its usage so versatile. In contrast, Javascript has a back-end runtime environment Node.js running on the V8 engine and executing JavaScript code outside a web browser.
Both Java and Javascript are capable of running in a browser. Javascript runs in almost all contemporary web browsers. That’s the main reason why it is among the most preferred programming languages. Java, on the other side, runs in a browser through Java Applets, hence it may cause issues like security and cooperation.
Javascript, being a scripting language, is used to develop client-side software programs including JS validation, while Java is mainly utilized in server-side development.
It’s important to realize that Java and Javascript create entirely different applications. The applications developed by Javascript mostly run in a browser, while the ones created by Java can not only run in a browser but also in a virtual machine.
As mentioned above, Javascript is used to create interactive and creative web apps, however, Java covers the development of Android applications, desktop applications, scientific, gaming applications, big data technologies, and more.
Javascript is an interpreted scripting language, meaning it can be interpreted by the browser, the client-side. While Java is a compiled programming language. It is compiled on the server before being executed on the client. So the main difference between them lies in the type of implementation.
Java is a completely independent programming language. All you need to do is to download and install the JVM on your computer and the language will run on any operating system.
The two languages are very different when it comes to handling the coexistence of several instruction sequences. Java uses multiple threads to execute tasks. It means that it can perform several tasks simultaneously.
Java provides a security manager and security policy for each application it develops. It stops vicious attacks of viruses. Overall, we can claim that Java has fewer vulnerabilities compared to Javascript. Most of Java's weaknesses are due to its popularity.
Java is a static programming code. It means that the variable type is checked and verified before running the program, while Javascript is dynamic, which means that variable types can be verified during the program run.
Access to great libraries
Portable due to being neutral and implementation free
Great authentication techniques enable to create virus-free, error-free systems
The presence of Just-In-Time compilers
Highly distributed through the Internet
Javascript is again an object-based language, working with data rather than functions. Unlike Java, Javascript is a scripting programming language which means it gets interpreted. The client-side programming language runs on the user's web browser without the need for the webserver. Javascript is utilized to create interactive web pages.
Javascript has a huge library of powerful frameworks which make working with Javascript ten times easier. The frameworks are design-adaptable, therefore they are quite popular among the developers. They also allow the programmers to code the application to be device responsive. Overall, we can claim that Javascript frameworks are preferable due to their countless advantages.
Javascript uses the best of procedural and functional programming, which makes it one of the most convenient languages. Procedural Javascript breaks down the program into smaller functions that can share data or even change the global data.
While Java uses multiple threads to execute tasks simultaneously, Javascript runs a single thread of execution in a queue known as the event loop. Both methods are efficient, though the former is faster and more optimal in executing multiple tasks in parallel.
Based on functional style even while creating objects
Promise enables async processing
Prototype-based programming language, using prototypes instead of classes or inheritance
Supported by complex data types such as array, List, Maps, and more
One may feel overwhelmed by the number of worldwide famous companies that are developed by Java. Here they are
Most of those companies like Uber and Netflix claim that they have integrated Java for high performance purposes. Java derives benefits from the open source ecosystem and can integrate with high technologies.
You may be surprised to find out that some of the above-mentioned companies also use Javascript to function. Here they are
To sum up, Javascript is used to develop more interactive web pages and runs only in a browser, while Java is used in a wide range of enterprises including Mobile Applications, Desktop GUI Applications, Web-based Applications. The applications created by Java can run both in a virtual machine and a browser.
Java is utilized for all server-side development, while Javascript is limited to client-side development.
In conclusion, the real statement should not be “Java vs Javascript”. The question is the difference between java and javascript and what applications are developed by each of them.
Hopefully, this article clarifies the misconception between the two highly different but also similar programming languages helping the readers to make the right choice over what language they need.