14 September, 2022
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21 July, 2021
Having extraordinary coding skills is one thing but mastering common web developer interview questions is another story. That is what can help you achieve your career goals, so you should understand the importance of the preparation phase and consider it seriously before applying to the desired company.
To avoid stress and depression before and after the awaited day, you'll need to prepare thoroughly for the upcoming coding interview. You must be familiar with the interview questions for web developers. This will increase your self-assurance and reduce your tension before the phone or in-person interview.
In this article, we’ll go through the fundamentals of the developer interview process, including the most typical web developer questions you can expect from interviewers and how to answer them in a way that will make them say “WOW.”
Well, let’s get to the point. 15 question you should know well are the following;
Alternatively, why do you want to be a software developer?
The majority of interviewers begin with a series of preliminary questions like this. When answering these software engineer interview questions, simply use common sense. Make every effort to be as open as possible. Tell them what drew you to coding in the first place and why you applied for this position.
It's that simple. It would help if you concentrated on the languages your web development profession will demand you to use the most. Knowing numerous languages, such as C++, Java, and Python has recently attracted interviewers' interest. So be aware of that when you apply.
Because you've presumably recently graduated or completed a coding boot camp or something similar, interviewers won't demand years of experience (and may even skip that question) if you're applying for an entry-level web developer job. However, if you're seeking a position as a senior software engineer, you'll need years of expertise to back up your application.
Interviewers are particularly interested in hearing about complex challenges that only a few individuals in the team could solve but which you were able to do yourself. It's crucial to remember not to try to impress the interviewer; it might sound really fake if you do that.
You'll make a desperate impression instead of a nice one. When discussing the problem that no one else has been able to solve except you, be casual. As a result, you’ll project self-assurance and knowledge. It's crucial to be humble when answering this kind of web dev interview questions.
Learning from your mistakes is an essential skill. Be as open and honest as possible when it comes to admitting past mistakes. Discuss the lessons you've learned so far. Basically, describe how you overcame your greatest obstacles and stood stronger.
When interviewers ask you “explanatory” questions about software engineering, the goal isn't to explain the definition but to inform them how you'll utilize it in your code. This shows the interviewer that you are capable of “thinking.” It also demonstrates how you approach coding.
The acronym AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is a strategy for using XML, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create better, quicker, and more interactive web applications.
Michael Miller, CEO of VPN Online, deserves credit for this. You can write your code in a variety of ways, and all of them are correct. The company you want to work for is likely to have a code writing standard, and your response will be compared to that standard. Typically, most firms seek out engineers who use the simplest method to code and aim to weed out those who prefer a more complex approach. This is because businesses want their code to be simple to maintain and document.
Black box testing is only used to determine whether or not an input is accurate. On the other hand, white box testing examines the function's implementation as well, determining whether it is correct or not.
It acts as a link between software products. It enables software systems to communicate and synchronize with one another. You can, for example, utilize Facebook's API to show your Facebook posts on your website. Allow visitors to share or comment on your content right from your website, rather than go to Facebook.
A system's type is described by a non-functional requirement (accessibility, maintainability, security). A functional condition, on the other hand, outlines the system's precise capabilities.
It separates the user interface from the data. The MVC design is mostly used for graphical user interface (GUI) applications. The data is stored in the model layer, the information is sent to the user through the display layer, and the controller is the one that makes changes to the model based on user input.
The big-O notation expresses the speed of an algorithm. This is important regardless of whether you're analyzing other people's algorithms or your own.
The Big-O notation, commonly known as Landau's symbol, describes how a function's runtime or space need increases as the input size grows. This means that the algorithm's speed is measured in the number of operations performed rather than in seconds.
A function that either directly or indirectly calls itself. Instead of running the operation recursively, the recursion continues until it hits a set of parameters that return a value. A recursive function can swiftly handle specific problems.
Geeksforgeeks provided the following code block. It serves as an excellent illustration.
In C++:
//Fibonacci Series using Recursion
using namespace std;
int fib(int n)
if (n <= 1)
return n;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
int main ()
int n = 9;
cout << fib(n);
return 0;
// This code is written
(Credits to Akanksha Rai)
It's a pathfinding and graph traversal computer algorithm that's commonly utilized. It uses a heuristic function to calculate the cost of getting from node A to node B. Each step's nodes are grouped in a priority queue.
It adds every node next to the start node into the queue, along with their cost estimates, using the formula f(n) = g(n) + h(n). The actual cost from the start node to node n is g(n), whereas the heuristic function is h(n). The node with the lowest anticipated cost f(n) is enlarged further at each stage. When the final node in a path expands, it is said to be complete.
That concludes this discussion of the most typical software developer interview questions and responses. Whether you're a starter web developer or an experienced software engineer, these interview questions and answers should be valuable to you. You might read the article again to improve your self-assurance even further as you prepare for the interview.
Updated: 03 March, 2023