Manual Payments


Enabling Manual Payments

As a freelancer, we understand that you value flexibility and control over your work arrangements. At Ithire, we empower you with the tools to tailor your contracts to suit your specific needs. One such feature that gives you greater control is the ability to edit the contract and enable manual payment mode.


Manual Payment Mode

By default, contracts on our platform operate on an automated weekly payment basis. This means that your clients are charged automatically at the end of each week for the work completed during that period. However, we recognize that not all freelancers prefer this payment structure, and that's where the manual payment mode comes into play. Freelancers can enable manual payments, which means that the clients will not be charged automatically each week.


How Does Manual Payment Mode Work?

When you choose to activate the manual payment mode, it effectively disables the automatic weekly payment system. Instead, you and your client can agree upon a custom payment schedule that aligns with the project milestones or any other preferred arrangement. In this mode, you take charge of tracking your billable hours or completed tasks, and your client will initiate the payments accordingly.


How to Enable Manual Payment Mode?

Enabling manual payment mode is a straightforward process:

- Go to the contract details page for the specific project.

- Click on the "Edit Contract" option.

- Look for the payment settings section.

- Select "Manual Payment Mode" and save the changes.


At Ithire, we believe in empowering freelancers with choices. Enjoy the flexibility, transparency, and autonomy it brings to your freelance journey. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, our support team is always here to help.