03 August, 2022
How to List Freelance Work On a Resume
01 November, 2022
A Web developer needs to keep learning. Now, what better way to learn about new technologies than to listen to a podcast? As a web developer, you must keep up with the speed at which technology changes. Podcasts are a great way to stay up-to-date and give your eyes a break.
Web development podcasts are your one-stop solutions for most of the things you need to learn, whether you're just starting out or looking for ways to make more money in this field. They can give you ideas, keep you up-to-date on the latest technologies and tips, and help you learn from the best in the field.
You can find a lot of podcasts for web developers with a quick Google search. But should you spend your time on all of them? Well, no!
This blog will help you with your search. Here are 10 top podcasts for beginner web developers.
1. Syntax
Syntax is a technical podcast hosted by Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski. It talks about things like JavaScript frameworks and command-line tools, among other things. Since both hosts are well-known teachers, their content is easy to understand, and their mode of delivery makes this podcast one of the top podcasts for beginner web developers. They have made more than 300 podcasts, so they know how to make podcasts that won't bore you to death. You can hear about their lives, how they work, funny bad dad jokes, and much more. Now, here's the best part of it: they post just twice a week so that you don't get too much content at once.
2. Front End Happy Hour
Front End Happy Hour tells you about the newest web development tools, libraries, and resources that came out in the last week. Frontend development is an important part of web development. This podcast will help you prepare for any challenges you might face and show you how to use certain tools to make things easier. A panel of experts from companies like Evernote, LinkedIn, and Netflix talk about the latest frontend trends on the podcast. This podcast is a must-have if you’re a frontend developer.
3. Jabber JavaScript
JavaScript Jabber puts out podcasts every week, most of which are about the development of the frontend and backend of web and mobile applications. As the name suggests, this podcast is about keeping people up-to-date in the fast-paced world of JavaScript. Every episode has a different guest and talks about a different topic, such as JavaScript frameworks, JavaScript careers, and JavaScript communities. The show assumes that you know the basics of JavaScript. Most of the time, there are three or four people on the panel, which makes this podcast feel like a conversation!
4. 99% Invisible
Roman Mars hosts the design-focused podcast, 99% Invisible, which encourages you to take a new look at the things you see every day and find new ways to appreciate them. This podcast will make you feel more curious and amazed by focusing on the power of design in things you may not have noticed before. It combines design, architecture, and cultural values.
5. The Changelog
The Changelog is a collection of interviews with people who are at the forefront of software development. This is a weekly podcast about everything that is open source. This conversational show has in-depth interviews with software engineers, hackers, leaders, and other innovators working at open-source technologies' heart. They have guests from startups and Fortune 500 companies to talk about technology, development culture, organizational problems, and more.
6. Code Newbie
If you're just starting out as a developer and want to learn more about how things work, Code Newbie is for you. Every Monday, a new episode of Code Newbie comes out with people's stories about how they learned to code. It's a treasure trove of information for people just starting out in web development.
7. ShopTalk Show
Dave Rupert and Chris Coyier are in charge of Shop Talk. They are experts in front-end web design and development. Dave is a developer at a web design company in Austin, Texas, and Chris is one of the people who started Code Pen. They look at how the customer feels, the layout, and CSS. Every week, Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert are joined by a different person to talk about work and answer questions from listeners. Most episodes last about an hour.
8. React Podcast
If you like everything about React, you should add this podcast to your list of favorites. Every week, React Podcast has a guest who talks for an hour about a topic that interests them. Michael Chan, who runs this podcast, knows how to make these interviews interesting by getting his guests to open up and talk about things they care about. Although they haven't posted any new episodes since 2020, you can still watch hundreds of them on their website.
9. The Web Ahead
The Web Ahead is a show about the future of the web and new technologies in the field. Jen Simmons is the show's host. They cover many topics, such as HTML, CMS, mobile development, layouts, tools, real-time web, responsive design, and so on. The show also talks to experts worldwide, so you can learn a lot from it. The podcast was named "Podcast of the Year" in 2015, and it has more than 100 episodes, so you can start with any topic you want right now.
10. Developer Tea
Developer Tea hosts talk about higher-level programming and theory topics, like productivity, gratitude, and cognitive bias, rather than the code itself. Jonathan Cutrell, the show's host, shares interesting perspectives, thought-provoking ideas, and professional tools on various topics, such as coding, career development, habits, mindset, and problem-solving skills. Usually, new episodes come out weekly, most of which are between 5 and 15 minutes long.
So, here are the best podcasts for web developers. We think web developers should try them out. Some focus on technology, others on career paths in web development and the web developer community. We are sure that if you try at least some of them, you'll learn, be inspired, and have fun. If you’re looking to hire a freelance web developer for your business, visit our website to hire the best.