19 December, 2022
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30 July, 2021
If you are only starting to learn HTML, practice is the key to success. You might have heard that you should constantly engage yourself in a new language when learning it, or else you'll forget it. Well, the same goes for programming languages. You can't master it if you don't keep exercising it.
But for beginners, it can be a pretty challenging task. You are not knowledgeable enough to start chunky projects, yet you can't stay stuck learning the theoretical parts forever. So, the best solution is to find some beginner-friendly HTML projects that will help you get your hands on it.
Here, we will discuss some of the best HTML practices and beginner projects that will help you get started.
A tribute page is a page dedicated to someone you love or admire. It is one of the easiest things you can make using HTML, and it will also be a lot of fun. Is there an artist you honor? Or maybe you're a fan of a famous pop singer! Why not show your love and support by creating a small page where you would include a short bio, add links, photos, and your personal opinion.
Sounds fun, right? Well, the best part is that you will practice some of the basics of HTML! However, you might also need some basic knowledge of CSS to make it a little fancier. Here the source code for the tribute page to Steve Jobs to help you out.
If you plan to work with HTML, then you should master form-making. It is an indispensable part of almost any HTML project. So why not start practicing it right away? While making a survey form, you will familiarize yourself more with the basic HTML tags, input fields, text fields, checkboxes, dates, radio buttons, and other crucial elements of the form.
If you want to take it to the next level, you can also create a web page containing the survey form. A beginner level of HTML knowledge should be enough to start, but again, some of the CSS will help to spice up your project. Here is the source code.
Suppose you end up working in a digital marketing agency. Oh my, do you imagine how many product landing pages you should make? You will be bombarded with tens of landing page tasks each week, so you should start building your landing page immune system already.
Jokes aside, making landing pages is a lot of fun. You can create an imaginary product in your mind and create a beautiful page for it. It will help you practice adding footers, headers, dividing sections, aligning items, creating columns, and much more. Of course, here, CSS is a must. The project will also help you play around with color combinations, margins, spaces between sections, boxes, paragraphs, and more.
Here is the source code for the landing page project.
This one is for those who also know and love JavaScript. You need to know a little HTML, CSS, and the very basics of JavaScript to create a technical page. A technical page is a webpage divided into two sections: on the left side is the menu with the topics, and on the right side is the documentation of those topics with some short descriptions.
When your user enters the technical page and clicks on one of the topics listed in the left section, it should open the appropriate description and documentation from the right section. For the click, you should use either JavaScript or the bookmark option of CSS. Here is the source code for the project if you need any help.
An online portfolio is something you personally will need as an HTML developer. You will love creating it even more if you are also engaged in some of the creative fields like photography, videography, arts, and pretty much anything which requires you a place to show off your works. How should you create a portfolio? Well, again, it will demand only the basics of HTML and some CSS.
First, create a header section where you will have all of your menus that take to the about page, contacts, or the showcase of your works. If you want to make it entirely professional, you can also add your CV to make it easier for your potential employees to learn more about you. And if you want your portfolio page to be more personalized, you can also add one of your images.
For this project, you will need to know how to crop and resize images, but if you find trouble with it, use Gimp. It is available on Windows and Linux and is free of charge.
Google.com is the most used page on the Internet. All of us visit it countless times during the day. But did you know that you could also create it? No, we are not talking about the functional parts; we are talking about the look of it. Maybe you could even customize it and add your design to it. In short, it is pretty simple. You'll just need to add the logo, two buttons, and a text box. All you need to create it is HTML and CSS. In fact, this can be one of your first projects!
You can find the source code for the Google.com page here.
If you can create the Google homepage, then you can create the search results page too! Again, we're talking about the look, not the functionality.
For this project, you will need to create a page with ten results and also page navigation buttons. In fact, if you start with the Google.com project, it should be easier for you to switch to this one. It demands nothing but basic HTML and some CSS. Here is the video tutorial for the project.
A parallax website is one of the most trendy websites you can create today. It consists of some fixed images that, as you scroll down, change or open up new parts. If you create a parallax website, it will certainly stand out against the competition and make your visitors stay on the page for longer. So as your next HTML project, you can give it a shot. Divide your page into four background images and align your text accordingly. Then add the position of your background and some other CSS elements. Eventually, you should get the parallax effect. Here is a simple parallax website to get inspired. And if you need a short tutorial on how to make it, here you go.
This one is a special treat for all the gourmets out there. If you love restaurants and restaurant pages, you will enjoy creating a website for an imaginary restaurant (or maybe the real one, who knows). Here you can create beautiful images for different meals and showcase your menu. The design of your page is totally up to you; you can add some sliding images, play around with font styles and colors, add some prices, and so on. To level up the project, you can also add links to redirect to internal pages. Here is the source code for the project.
Finally, the last one in our list of HTML project ideas is the event webpage. As the name suggests, for this one, you should create a simple page for an event or a conference. What do you need for that? Well, the venue, the schedule, and some great images to allure the potential participants. As usual, you need the HTML/HTML5 along with the CSS to create this page. Here is the source code for the event webpage.
You need some HTML practice to become a better HTML developer; that is why in this blog post, we have covered the ten most simple HTML projects you can start working on as a beginner. If you practice enough, you'll be surprised how fun and easy the learning process can be!