11 January, 2023
Best Digital Nomad Jobs in 2023
24 June, 2021
The best way to learn a programming language is to use it in practice. You can forever skim through textbooks memorizing every word, but unless you get your hands on it, you'll never truly learn it. So if you are in the process of studying C++, the best way to figure it out is to work on some C++ projects for beginners.
Creating a new project yourself will help you to understand all the details of C++ and, in general, will make the learning process more fun. But the best part comes when you finish the project. You will feel proud of yourself and more motivated to continue your learning journey. So why not close those textbooks (or maybe Youtube tutorials), and start creating!
One of the most popular C++ projects for beginners is the Car Rental System. Its purpose is to allow users to rent cars and give you profit. You need to build a system where the user needs to log in, provide some personal information, select the Car he wants to rent, and pay for it.
The amount of payment can change according to the time of the rental, the distance traveled, and other similar aspects.
This project is a great way to learn date-time functions, keyboard events, and practice the C++ logic system.
You can find the source code for the project here.
The bookshop inventory system is a simple project where you need to manage the books inventory of the shop.
You need to write a code that will decrease the book's count when someone buys a book and vice versa. If you add books to the shop, the book count needs to be increased.
You can make the project a little more fun by adding book ID-s to help your fictional bookshop with the searching process.
Here is the source code for the project.
We've all been there, done that. The famous tic tac toe game that almost everyone knows. Guess what? You can make a digital tic tac toe game yourself using C++.
Find the source code here.
Another popular game you can make using C++ is the Sudoku game. You probably played the print version of it on the airplane or during the school break when you were young. To remind you, the logic of the sudoku game is to arrange the numbers from 1-9 in such a manner that they only appear once in each row, subgrid and column. With this project, you can practice the concept of backtracking.
Find the source code here.
One more game from our childhood which you can recreate is the hangman game. But now, you don't need a pen and paper for it. You can design this game for two users using your coding skills. Because the typical Hangman game might get a little complicated, you can try out a more simplified version of it. We have linked the source code for the beginner version here.
Any gambling lovers here? Even if you're not, this project is a fun one to try out! The logic is simple. The system you're coding asks the user to define the betting amount and also guess one number on rolling. If the game outputs the same number which the user had inputted, the winner will win. If not, money will be subtracted.
This project is perfect for learning cstdlib, the library which is used for random numbers.
You can find the source code for this fun project here.
Another classic game is the helicopter game. All your user needs is to ride a helicopter avoiding the obstacles on the way.
How? Well, your user controls the helicopter with the keys. When he holds the key, the helicopter moves. When he releases the key, the helicopter goes down.
Creating this small little game with C++ will help you to practice a little SDL graphics.
Find the source code for the helicopter game here.
Snake and Ladder game is an ancient Indian game that symbolized the journey of life. In this game, two players start with the bottom of the gameboard and make their way to the top with die tolls.
On their way, they might stumble on a grid with a ladder which will push them upper towards the finish line. Or, the opposite can happen. They might get on a grid with a snake which will hinder their journey. The winner is the player who gets to the finish line first.
In your C++ project, you can use a procedure-oriented approach to build this game. In this source code, they have used switch..case, call by reference, random(), and other programming concepts. You can check it out and make a similar one.
After all of these games, you might want to try a little more serious project. However, it does not mean that it is harder. The supermarket billing project is a simple C++ project. It will help you to understand the file handling and the usage of stream classes in C++.
Check the source code here.
Finally, we will finish our list of C++ project ideas with the most simple project: the login and registration system. If you are a complete beginner, this is where you need to start your journey.
The project starts with a user registration, where you need to ask for a username and password from the user. If the registration is successful, you need to create a user file where the credentials will be saved.
If the user registration fails, as it turns out your user does not exist, you should show an error message. That is it. You can also start learning and integrating Visual Studio in this simple project. It will make your experience more fun.
You can check the source code of the project in a video manner here.
Basically anything! But before you get too excited, remember that you are a beginner and should start with the most basic projects. And these short entertaining projects will be perfect for you!
In this blog post, we have collected the ten most basic C++ projects for beginners, which will help you to enhance your learning experience. But be cautious! Once you start practicing coding, you get addicted to it. It turns into an enthralling experience to see how you can create sophisticated projects from scratch, simply using logic.
So to make sure you feel the excitement right away, the ten projects on this list are challenging but pretty manageable. If you get messed up on your way, you can check the source codes linked below each project. Just remember not to stop until you get your final result and are happy with it.
Also, make sure you check some of the open-source communities out there, like GitHub, if you come across any questions or issues. The coders will help you out for sure!
For your C++ journey, this is a great place to start with.
No excuses are allowed now! Pick one of these projects and start creating. We will be waiting for your mind-blowing results! Also, if there is any project that you think we could have included on our list, let us know, and we will do so.
We wish you the best of luck, and once you figure out these simple projects, come back, and we will give you more complicated ones.