Getting Started with Ithire


Get started with one of the leading freelance platforms, Ithire which connects worldwide businesses and experienced professionals, creating a complex network of cooperation.


Ithire created innovative and easy-to-operate software to post job announcements and hire freelancers in several simple steps. You have the advantage of placing the job openings free of charge as well as hiring freelancers directly from the system. The whole process consists of three main phases: 


Pre-Hire Requirements

  • Fill out Company information: Name, Tagline, Description, and Website URL;
  • Attach the payment method and make sure to verify it. 
  • Create the job announcement (Ithire offers hourly-based projects only: Hourly Protection Policy protects hourly contracts)


Hiring Process

  • Review all the submitted proposals and shortlist the most relevant and qualified candidates;
  • Message the best candidates to negotiate the terms and discuss the project;
  • Interview candidates via any communication method applicable.



  • Get to know your freelancers, exchange contact information, and establish secure means of communication;
  • Negotiate the terms of the project: expectations and deliverables, working-schedule, and progress reports, etc.;
  • Introduce your freelancers to the working teams and provide them with all the necessary contact information;
  • Maintain contact with your freelancers on daily basis;
  • Periodically review work progress or request project deliverables or progress reports;
  • Supervise your projects using Ithire Project Managers;
  • Ensure the availability of funds for the payment methods provided, Ithire invoices the hourly contacts automatically.

    You're all set.
    And finally, IT is better hired with US!