- Hourly Rate$25 / Hr
- Total Earned$15414
- Experience9 Years
Hi there
I am a Full-Stack Developer who will develop your beautiful & custom web applications and websites with modern web development technologies. I do have 6+ years of experience in software development. My knowledge and experience enable me to build the backend & frontend all alone using modern technology. I Launched 100+ projects from the empty repository to fully-functional production deployments.
Frontend Web Development Expertise: Html5, CSS3, SCSS, Bootstrap v4/5,JavaScript, ReactJS, Anglar, React-Redux, Material UI
Backend Web Development Expertise: PHP, SQL, Elasticsearch, Redis, CodeIgnitor Framework, Laravel Framework, Zend Framework, Node Js, Express, Nest JS, Opencart, PHP, Wordpress.
Experience and expertise
• JavaScript, TypeScript
• Redux, Redux toolkit
• Context API, react-query, graphql
• NodeJS, ExpressJS
• Opencart, PHP, Wordpress.
• JavaScript Frameworks
• Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, Chakra UI, Material Design, Ant design
• Firebase, Socket, Realtime app, MongoDB, MySQL
Looking forward to working with you.
- Hourly Rate$25 / Hr
- Total Earned$6160
- Experience8 Years
Gyulnara, 11:41 AM
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Qristine Poghosyan, Wednesday at 11:09 AM
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11:52 AM
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Gyulnara, 12:01 PM
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Gyulnara, 12:04 PM
Gyulnara, 12:24 PM
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Gyulnara, 12:35 PM
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12:38 PM
Gyulnara, 2:00 PM
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2:02 PM
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Gyulnara, 3:12 PM
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Gyulnara, 1:08 PM
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Gyulnara, 1:41 PM
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Gyulnara, 2:54 PM
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Gyulnara, 9:32 AM
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9:33 AM
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Gyulnara, 9:33 AM
calendar em tvel, Client-Khairul Zainan, ID: 888502
I'm a web developer. I spend my whole day, practically every day, experimenting with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; dabbling with Python and Ruby, and inhaling a wide variety of potentially useless information through a few hundred RSS feeds. I build websites that delight and inform. I do it well.
I’m curious, and I enjoy work that challenges me to learn something new and stretch in a different direction. I do my best to stay on top of changes in the state of the art so that I can meet challenges with tools well suited to the job at hand.
- Hourly Rate$30 / Hr
- Total Earned$12360
- Experience8 Years
I'm a skilled full-stack engineer from the Finland who has training expertise in many programming languages. I am in charge of gathering information, coming up with ideas, and carrying out initiatives.
Create a knowledge management platform based on a knowledge graph using a variety of technologies, such as Node.js, Typescript, Dgraph, React, and Mobx.
Create and build main-application functionality and an independent data extraction "agent" for a financial product. Operational, flexible, scalable, and data quality improvements for applications. I took care of, improved, and upgraded PHP databases as needed.
These are my skills:
• HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, TypeScript, ReactJS, JSON, Node, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, C#, Golang, Scala, Django
• MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, MariaDB
• Google Maps, Twitter, Facebook, AmazonS3, Open Weather Map, Flight search