Full Stack Developer
Gyulnara, 11:41 AM
mi patasxani iran, hr-i het call chenq anum
Qristine Poghosyan, Wednesday at 11:09 AM
grel e hnaravor e?, chpatasxanem che?
11:52 AM
che mi patasxani
Gyulnara, 12:01 PM
outlook chi bacvum
google el chem karox bacel hmars chi linum
12:04 PM
yahoo kam yandex pordzi
outlook urish erkrov pordzi
Gyulnara, 12:04 PM
Gyulnara, 12:24 PM
4rd@ 3 Interviewing uni
12:27 PM
Gyulnara, 12:35 PM
6@ chi bacvum
12:38 PM
Gyulnara, 2:00 PM
QQristine jan 122 connect@ chi bavakanacni che?
2:02 PM
chee Gyulnara jan
Gyulnara, 3:12 PM
3 massage
Gyulnara, 1:08 PM
Barev Qristine jan
11@ dimel em
1:18 PM
Gyulnara, 1:41 PM
15n el em dimel
1:49 PM
Gyulnara, 2:54 PM
21 3 Interviewing uni
2:55 PM
Gyulnara, 9:32 AM
Qristine jan bari luys
9:33 AM
Bari luys Gyulnara jan
Gyulnara, 9:33 AM
calendar em tvel, Client-Khairul Zainan, ID: 888502
I'm a web developer. I spend my whole day, practically every day, experimenting with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; dabbling with Python and Ruby, and inhaling a wide variety of potentially useless information through a few hundred RSS feeds. I build websites that delight and inform. I do it well.
I’m curious, and I enjoy work that challenges me to learn something new and stretch in a different direction. I do my best to stay on top of changes in the state of the art so that I can meet challenges with tools well suited to the job at hand.