Hire Blazor Developer
Hire a freelance Blazor developer at ITHire to work on your business-critical web applications. With years of experience in web app development, our developers can build, maintain, and scale complex Blazor apps quickly and effectively according to your specific needs.
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What Is Blazor?
Blazor is a new Microsoft framework for building interactive client-side web UI with .NET code using C# instead of JavaScript. It runs in the browser on top of WebAssembly, a low-level bytecode format that runs in the browser on top of a .NET runtime written in C++.
When was Blazor released? Blazor was officially released by Microsoft on May 7, 2019.
Is Blazor the Future?
It seems like Blazor pretty much is the future. There are many reasons to use Blazor instead of JavaScript for client-side web development. Some of the benefits include:
- Improved Productivity - With Blazor, you can use all the features of the .NET ecosystem including its vast libraries, tools, and frameworks. This can lead to a significant increase in productivity compared to JavaScript development.
- Language Consistency - Blazor allows you to write your entire web app in C#, giving you the benefits of a consistent language across your entire stack.
- Interop with JavaScript - While Blazor apps are written in C#, they still have full access to the browser's JavaScript API. This allows you to easily interop with existing JavaScript libraries.
- Rich Tooling and Debugging - The Visual Studio debugger can be used to debug Blazor apps in the same way that it is used to debug other .NET applications. In addition, the use of Razor syntax provides a rich template system for building UIs.
Blazor Developer: Responsibilities
- Develop web applications using Blazor
- Write code in C# to create interactive client-side UI
- Use .NET libraries, tools, and frameworks to boost productivity
Blazor Developer: Requirements
- C# experience
- Experience in web development
- Experience in .NET development
- Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript