game unity solidity bsc
November 3, 2021 - April 13, 2022
Web developer/ freelancer
I am a Full Stack Developer with more than 6 years of career experience. Throughout my career I have participated in many big and successful projects. I have worked with many worldwide companies and can insure you that I am very experienced and skilled! Please notice and consider the following skills, which I have developed throughout my career: CSS, PHP, HTML(Laravel, CodeIgniter) JavaScript(Angular, Next, React, Vue) CMS systems - Drupal, Shopify, Wix, Joomla, WebFlow, WordPress Web Design –UI/UX, Adobe XD, Illustrator, Mockup Design,Wireframe Design, Graphic Design Mobile Developer/Designer- Swift, Objective-C, Ionic, React Native
game unity solidity bsc
November 3, 2021 - April 13, 2022