Kevin Graham - Hire at Ithire

Kevin Graham


  • Hourly Rate$42-52 / Hr
  • Total Earned$0
  • Experience8 Years


  • PHP
  • MySql
  • Laravel
  • Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
  • SEO
  • C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • Python
  • Ruby

Kubernates-Docker Developer and Proposal writer

I'm a Kubernates-Docker Developer and Proposal writero over 8+ years of experience in IT industry with in Configuration Management, Change/Release/Build Management, System Administration, SupportandMaintenance in environments like Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOSand expertise in automating builds and deployment process using Python and Shellscripts with focus on DevOps tools and AWS and Azure Cloud Architecture. Experience in working on AWS and its services like AWS IAM, VPC, EC2, ECS, EBS, RDS, S3, Lambda, ELB, Auto Scaling, Route 53, Cloud Front, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, SQS, and SNS and experienced in Cloud automation using AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, NAT, EC2 instances, ELB and Securitygroups. Experienced with principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Agile, scrum, and Waterfall methodologies. Implemented a production ready, load balanced, highlyavailable , faulttolerantKubernetes infrastructure. Containerized all the Ticketing related applications - SpringBoot Java and Node.Js applications using Docker. Developed, maintained and enhanced pre and post build scripts (Shell and Python) Designed and documented CI/CD tools configuration management. Created a Continuous Delivery process to include support building of Docker Images and publish into a private repository- Nexus v3. And I'm a proposal writer as well and have managed proposal development process and served as lead writer, balancing workload and deliverables for multiple sales opportunities simultaneously, in addition to executing departmental and business development functions and special projects. Reviewed RFPs to ensure firm addressed requirements and incorporated win themes, created, developed, designed, and distributed draft response documents, and responsible for all edits, finalizing and coordinating delivery of proposals. Lead proposal development meetings, and collaborated with attorneys and subject matter experts to develop language, retrieved and analyzed data, researched and calculated pricing components, and compiled, designed, and created supporting documents to meet qualifications or enhance responses.