Akshay Nikhare - Hire at Ithire

Akshay Nikhare


  • Hourly Rate$21 / Hr
  • Total Earned$0
  • Experience0 Years


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Ajax
  • Bootstrap
  • Foundation
  • UI / UX
  • PHP
  • MySql
  • Shopware

shopware 6

Self-taught, Innovative Shopware Developer and Full Stack Developer specializing in Shopware 6, Vue.js, SQL, PHP, git ,svn , npm and Docker, excelling at crafting dynamic user experiences. Equipped with a Computer Science degree and a relentless drive for innovation. Expertise in frontend and backend development, theme customization, plugin development, UI/UX design, responsive design, performance optimization, e-commerce functionality, testing, debugging, and client collaboration.