Full Stack developer
Hello everyone!
My anme is Felix Jensen and I am an experienced Senior Full Stack Developer from Denmark.I'm a Self motivated person who seeks to learn and develop his skills and experience. I have worked with both front-end and back-end stacks, and have developed various complex web applications and websites in the field.
Here are my skills but not limirted:
Languages: Ruby, PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Dart, Swift.
Mobile-Frameworks: ReactNative, Flutter.
Back-end development: RubyOnRails, Laravel, NodeJS
Front-end development (Web Apps): React.JS, NextJS, HTML5, CSS3
Databases/Cloud: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQlite, AWS, Firebase.
I look forward to collaborating with you.Hit me up if you have a project that you think will interest me and be compatible with my experience and know-how.
Best regards,
Felix Jensen.