Full stack developer
I am Full Stack developer with 8 years of experinece. As a Full Stack Developer I have created robust client-side model and validation using HTML, DHTML, CSS, Java Script, JSP, Struts Tag Library. Developed business services with, JSON, XML and Restful Web Services technologies. I have worked on Angular JS, used its two-way data binding to achieve the feedback functionality from the user. Developed Backend Spring Jersey resources to serve the JSON data to the web interface. Let me mention that I have Maximized applications' efficiency, data quality, scope, operability, and flexibility .Used various ideas from distributed computing, large-scale design, real-time data processing, data storage, ML, and AI to solve challenging dataset problems. Used familiarity with JavaScript frameworks and libraries that support efficient web development. I have created an API product for a consumer finance company. As a Full Stack Developer my skills are, JavaScript, C++, C#, CSS, HTML, Angular, Oracle, Python, Django, React, VueJs, Ruby, Perl, Golang, Scala, Jquery, Bootstrap, Json, NodeJs, MongoDB, PostgreSQL. PHP, TypeScript SQL/NoSQL, Go, Swift, Assembly, Bootstrap & Angular JS, Varnish, Jenkins, Celery, RabbitMQ.
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