Full stack developer
I am Full stack developer with 9 years of experience. For the last five years, I've been using Python and Django on the back end, and VueJS on the front end for the last two. HTML5, CSS/SASS, and plain ES6 are additional skills I have. I enjoy paying close attention to UX/UI aspects, and I frequently utilize MaterializeCSS for vanilla JS and Quasar for VueJS. I'm most familiar with Leaflet when it comes to online mapping JS frameworks, but I've also worked with Google Maps, Open Layers, Cesium JS, and Mapbox GL JS. GeoServer, PostGIS, and other common spatial libraries such as Geopandas, Fiona, Shapely, and GDAL are also familiar to me. I've also created a handful more QGIS plugins.
Here are my skills:
HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, TypeScript, ReactJS, JSON, Node, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, C#, Golang, Scala, Django and Normalize.css,
MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, MariaDB,
Google Maps, Twitter, Facebook, AmazonS3, Open Weather Map, Flight search,
Figma, Sketch, Invision, Adobe XD, Canva, Photoshop,
WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, WooCommerce, OpenCart, Kentico, DPM, Perl, JSP,
Laravel, Ruby, Django, Spring, Express, Angular, React