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Technology is jugular vein of youth.
Why Sheikh remembers the 2 abs of the girl she saw on instagram but does not remember whether he peed since morning or not? It’s only because we guys are so much into technology and social media that we are unaware of what’s going on in the surroundings and even inside ourselves. Why should I care? What it has to do with me whether someone falls down or whatever happens? No, wait! Yes, I can do something. I should make a video and post it with caption “most hilarious falls of people”. That’s the only thing we youngsters think about.
Technology has illuminated the world and made lives cherishing and appealing for us to live to the fullest. We are able to innovate in many things and we are provided with easy access to everything. Internationally better relations developed between different countries. Many people became millionaires and billionaires. But think what have you done? Let me tell you, till now, you have only watched heroes stealing the show and you as side actor are standing at the corner clapping.
Moreover, information technology has played a significant role during the COVID era. When everything stopped, people were despaired, the condition was terrible then, it was technology which shined a sparkle of light on us and gave us hope at that tragic time. It played a significant role in entertaining us, offering online education and spreading the precautionary measures to be taken.
Conversely, there is also a dark side of information technology which can adversely affect the future of our youth. I will put forward a recent scandal of audio leaks in Pakistan. On 24th of September (2022) the audios started getting leaked from the prime minister’s house. All the political parties started to blame each other for this and the country was filled with chaos. A was committee was formulated to further investigate in this case but unfortunately, the criminal has not been detected yet.
Of course, technology changes the world but remember to change it into heaven and not hell. You can assist people; you can create opportunities for unemployed. Moreover, you can earn money. Formulate a mind map. However, don’t get lost in it. Stop just visualizing and anticipating and start to act. Why are you waiting for the right time? Grasp time and make it not just right but perfect. It is basically an important tool through which we can construct an amazing future.
You are teen of today and adult of tomorrow. You must know the virtuous way to obtain utter exploitation from technology. Utilize it for your possible benefits so in future you can proudly tell and prove them where you spent your youth by showing your land Royce. Everything is neutral; it becomes right and wrong depending upon the way you use it. Even right things can ruin you if not used in a right way.
So teens, lets rock your teenage with technology. You got this dude!