The Top 10 Best IT Books of 2022 (Change Your Life)

Author Muhammad Awais

The Top 10 Best IT Books of 2022 (Change Your Life)

Submitted on Nov 10, 2022

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It's no secret that the world of IT is changing rapidly. As technology becomes more accessible to everyone, there's never been a better time to learn about how computers work and how to use them for your own benefit. And if you're an experienced user who wants to learn more about what makes your workplace tick, these books will help:

How to Use a Computer, by K. D. Johnson

This book is about how to use a computer. It was written by K. D. Johnson and published in 2021, but it's still relevant today because of its approachable tone and focus on basic IT skills that anyone can use. The book covers everything from navigating the desktop interface to setting up email accounts on different platforms like Gmail or Outlook Express, as well as learning how to manage your settings like privacy settings for each service you use (like Facebook).

There are two versions of this title: one for print readers who want a hard copy version of their favorite books; and another for ebook readers who prefer reading on their phones or tablets instead of lugging around extra paperbacks everywhere they go!

The Internet for Dummies, by E. Poppins

If you've never used the internet before, this is the book for you. It explains how to use the internet and social media in a way that's easy for beginners. The author also goes into detail about using email (the basics), search engines (how they work), messaging apps like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive; as well as other popular apps like Spotify Music or Netflix Video Viewer.

If you're already familiar with these topics but want more information on them—or if there are specific questions about any one area above—this book will be helpful too!

All About Coding, by G. A. Devonshire

Coding is the act of writing and editing computer code. It's a broad term that can refer to any task that involves writing or manipulating algorithms in order to solve problems. Coding is used by programmers, engineers, designers, and many other fields—and it's also becoming increasingly important as technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) continue to get smarter.

Coding languages are specialized programming languages used by programmers when they write their programs so they can communicate with each other easily over computer systems like mobile devices or computers on a networked server somewhere else in the world. There are many ways you can learn how to code: You could take an online course; enroll in an intensive bootcamp program; watch videos online about coding; read books about it; try out different tools/IDEs (integrated development environments), such as Visual Studio Code/Atom/Sublime Text, etc.; build apps from scratch using HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript

Operating Systems 101, by J. B. Smith

Operating systems are the brains of any computer. They're responsible for handling everything from graphics and network connections to memory management, security and more. If you're looking to learn more about how operating systems work, then this book is for you!

This book will teach you about the different types of operating systems that exist today: Linux, MacOS and Windows NT (which was replaced by Windows Server 2003). The author explains how each one works in detail so that you can understand what they do and why they do it the way they do it.

The pros? This book goes into great depth on all aspects of operating systems including their history as well as technical details on how certain pieces work together within an OS such as networking protocols or file formats - making it an invaluable resource for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of these technologies.

The Complete Guide to Microsoft Word, by S. Swain

This book covers everything you need to know about Microsoft Word, including how to use it as a professional writer. It doesn't just teach you how to write using Microsoft Word; it also shows you how to make your writing more effective by using formatting and presentation techniques.

For example, if you want your readers' attention drawn towards key points in the text, then this book will teach you how to do so easily and effectively without having them scroll past those important sections of information over and over again.

It's full of examples from real-world scenarios that show exactly what works best when writing in a particular style or format (like technical reports), along with step-by-step instructions on each topic covered so that even beginners can follow along easily!

Networking for Beginners, by M. L. Turner

Networking for Beginners

This book is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how networking works, but may be intimidated by the technical aspects of it. It explains what networking is, how it's used in IT and how to set up a network. It also goes over troubleshooting problems with networks. This book makes it easy for anyone interested in learning more about network technology or even just getting started with their own small home-based businesses!

Definitions of IT Acronyms, by S. G. Harding-Jones

Definitions of IT Acronyms, by S. G. Harding-Jones

This book covers the most common acronyms used in technology and explains their meaning. It also includes a section on the history and origins of each acronym, as well as how they've been used over time. You'll discover that some of them have changed over time, while others have remained relatively unchanged since they were first introduced to us by IBM back in 1959 when they created their first computer system called "Colossus." This book is useful for anyone looking to learn more about what these abbreviations mean or just want an easy way to remember them all at once, so there's no confusion when you're trying out new technology products!

The Magic of C++ and How It Works, by F. Rosedale

The Magic of C++, by F. Rosedale and A. Woodhull, is a book about how to use the C++ language and its libraries to write software that’s easy for other people to read and understand. It was published in 2018 by O'Reilly Media (I'm guessing this was an early release).

The author has been working with computers since the 1980s, when he started writing code for Apple IIs in assembly language on his friends' machines. He's also worked at several startups as well as big companies like Google and Microsoft. In addition to being an expert at programming languages like C++ and Java—the latter of which he uses heavily today—he's also written many books about them!

How To Connect to Wi-Fi (Even If You're Terrible At Following Instructions), by Jassim Mohammed Alarba

How To Connect to Wi-Fi (Even If You're Terrible At Following Instructions), by Jassim Mohammed Alarba

This book is a must-have for anyone who has ever been asked to connect their phone or computer to the internet, whether it's at home or in a coffee shop. In this book, you'll learn how to connect your device through Wi-Fi and how to troubleshoot common errors that people encounter when trying to do so.

You'll also learn how to find the best Wi-Fi connection in your area, including tips for identifying whether you're using public Wi-Fi that's safe. This book has everything you need to know about connecting to the internet, so this book is for you (My Choice)!

"' My Experiences as an Industrial Software Engineer'" by Kent Beck

Kent Beck is a well-known developer. He has created several software projects, including an object-oriented programming language called Ruby and the team collaboration tool known as Extreme Programming (XP). In this book, he explains how he got into programming and his experiences as an industrial software engineer—the type of person who works in organizations with complex business problems to solve.

The book is aimed at programmers who want to become better at their job by learning from the experiences of others like themselves: "When you read this book," Beck writes, "it will give you insights into what makes great developers tick."

There is a wealth of great IT literature out there!

There is a wealth of great IT literature out there. You should read as many of them as you can! Reading is a great way to learn, both about technology and your own career path. It’s also fun and relaxing—a lot more than watching Netflix or playing video games (though those are fun too).


If you want to stay ahead of the game in your field, you need to read up on what’s going on with technology. The best way to do that is by reading books from authors who know how to write about it. That’s why we created this list of the top 10 best IT books for 2022 (Change Your Life)! Hopefully, this will help you find new knowledge and inspiration for your career path.

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