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One thing we already know is that Cyberspaces is saturating our lives. More than 85% of people in the world are internet users, according to recent researches. While the world average age of users is rising, there's no doubt that young people love Net.
Number of teenagers who are internet users keep rising. Why is that (E-mail)? Email is certainly one important reason-it's all about staying connected. But it's more than just about e-mail, Teenagers are also big participants in online commerce "When teens want information on brand" Teens are voracious consumers of all thing electronic.
The use of the internet favorite letter "e" as in e-business, e-commerce, e-shopping,-is rapidly becoming outmoded. "E" is now part of nearly everything we do. The Net and Web are everywhere, Cyberspace permeates everything. "e" sound as future in other meaning you can do anything in a matter of your coach.
At one time, the idea of having your own computer was almost like having your personal nuclear reactor. In those days, in the 1950s and 60s, computer were enormous machines affordable by large institutions. These have change fast now speak of affordability of devices to everyone who wishes.
For many people, e-mail is the online environment, more so than the World Wide Web. It's clear, then, that e-mail will increase productivity only if it is used properly.
Overuse or misuse just causes more problems and wastes time. The following are some ideas to keep in mind when using e-mail.
- Do your part to curb the e-mail deluge; Put short messages in the subject line, so recipients don't have to open the e-mail to read the note. Don't reply to every e-mail you get. Avoid (copying to) people unless absolutely necessary.
- Be helpful in sending attachments; Attachments -computer files of long documents of images -attached to an e-mail are supposed to be convenience, but often they can be annoyance.
- Don't use e-mail in place of personal contact; Because e-mail carries no tone or inflection, it's hard to convey personal concern. Avoid criticism and sarcasm in electronic messaging. Nevertheless, you can use e-mail to provide quick praise, even though doing it in person will take on greater significance.
- Be aware that e-mail you receive at work is the property of your employer; Be careful at what you save, send and backup.
- Realize that deleting e-mail messages doesn't totally get rid of them; "Deleting" moves the e-mail from the visible list, but the messages remain of your device and can be retrieved by experts.
"E" also stands for Ethics. Every computer or phone user will have to wrestle with ethical issues related to the use of information technology. Ethics is defined as a set of moral values or principles that govern the conduct of an individual or group. So electronic devices are made of its complexity to overcome human obstacles and easing to inform of messages.